Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Facebook New Year's post

So I used to do these Facebook surveys because I was a super self-obsessed high schooler who thought they were introspective and cool and liked letting people know this fact. (I like to think I've gotten more subtle in my old age). I resurrected this tradition last year and thought I would do so again this year but no juxtaposition to the old answers, just the 2013 into 2014 transitional ones. 

1 - Did you kiss anyone?: 
Not in a meaningful way so effectively no. 

2 - Did you date anyone?
For a fashion. 

3 - Are you going to kiss someone when the ball drops?
Well I don't know what I'm doing New Year's Eve so I don't know yet. We'll see. 

4 - Did you lose any friends?
I think so. The process of losing friends is so curiously painful that I try not to think about it too much and focus on the gains. 

5 - Did you gain any friends?
Yes, wonderful people that I am very thankful to have in my life. 

6 - Did you do something new?
I saw a whale and learned how to punch the crap out of some cushions. Oh and I left the bubble a few times too. 

7 - Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
For a bit. 

8 - Did you change?

Not by choice, but so it goes. 
9 - Are you happy with the year over all?
Yeah, I think so. 

10 - Whats the best thing that happened to you?
I think I found my footing at Wellesley a little bit more. It's a little pathetic that it took so long but better late than never.

11 - Did you fall in or out of love?
You already know the answer to that. 

12 - Are you happy the year's almost over?
Yes and no. I think next year will be wonderful but also stressful. And the same could be said for this year. So I don't really know. I think it's more of a "Let's continue on then, shall we" attitude rather than "Ugh I am so over this year!" attitude. 

13 - Are you going to change something about yourself next year?
I am going to agree with my past selves and say that Change is not something you can really plan for yourself(that's why it's called change) but I do have plans to try and aspire to be my best self, as always. 

14 - Do you think 2008(2014) will be a better year then 2007(2013)?
I mean, you can only go up, right?

20 - Did you go on a summer vacation?
(Btw: I'm not entirely sure where the other numbers went)
Not exactly. I got to go to the beach a lot during the Fall though so that counts, right?
21 - Did you lie to your parents?
No, I try very hard not to do that.

22 - Did you get into a fight?
Oh boy.

23 - Did you leave the country?
No but hopefully some day I'll get to go somewhere new. 

24 - Did you have a good birthday?
A lovely birthday weekend. Lunch with my friends a couple days beforehand, Flower Sunday with my Little and eating madelines with friends on the actual day. I like this concept of several days of celebration. I think we should carry this on to next year too.

25 - Did anyone in your family get married?
Not yet, but we're working on it

26 - Did you get any taller?
No but I learned how to walk in heels better and that amounts to the same thing.

27 - Did you dye your hair?
I didn't but I'm contemplating it for this year....because that's going to go down so well for interviews, right?

26 - Who did you talk on the phone with most?
I don't really talk on the phone with anyone but I guess my parents?

29 - Did anyone sing to you?

Haha yeah they had to plan it out a little but it happened eventually.

30 - Did you sing to anyone?

31 - Did anyone tell you they loved you?
Lots of people did. And not necessarily through words.

32 - Did you ever go to the hospital?
Err no but I did spend a little bit of time in Health Services. It was not fun. 

33 - What did you drink and eat the most?
Tea probably. And maybe french fries? Or avocados?

35 - Did you change your profile over 10 times?

36 - Did you get a tattoo?
Nope. Still not planning on it. 

37 - Did you vote?
No but that was me just being lazy.

38 - Are you going to make New Years resolution?
Yeah I have a few lined up. 

39 - Did you stick to your New Years resolution from last year?
I don't remember what they were...

40 - Think you'll date someone in 2008(2014)?
Well I guess we'll have to see about that. 

41. - Where will you be when the ball drops?
I haven't thought that far in advance yet. 

42 - Do you think you will make new friends in 2008(2014)?
I hope so.

43 - Are you hoping to meet someone special in 2008(2014)?
No, leave me alone I'm a hermit.

44 - How do you feel, another year has passed you by?

Old? It's a little daunting because we're closing in on my graduation year and so it means that I have to start being a real person soon. But at the same time, things are on the up I think and I can't wait to keep spending time with the wonderful people who have waltzed into my life this year. So...

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