Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Lemon Plants are alive and well!

It's been a while since you've seen anything about the lemon plants and that's mainly because I haven't seen much of them myself! I took one pot with me to school in an attempt to grow them in my room but unfortunately they were not flourishing. As such, after about a month or so of waiting for sprouts, I decided to take them to the Wellesley Botanical Gardens to see if they could rehabilitate them. I was hoping that the warmer temperatures and more abundant sunlight would give them the extra boost they needed. 

Taken 19. October. 2013
And behold...the new sprouts! It's been a much slower process than what I observed in the summer with my first two pots but they are trying really hard to grow! It was a little weird that I had put so many seeds in and only got 5 sprouts back because one seed can give way to about 3-4 sprouts because of cloning. But, it only takes one plant to become a tree anyways! It's also nice that they are currently being housed in the Greenhouses because that means I need to go at least every other day to go and water them. If you haven't visited the Greenhouses yet, I highly recommend it because it's like going into a retreat without ever leaving the Science Center. Unfortunately, I think I will probably need to bring this pink pot home for the winter within the next month because it can't really stay there indefinitely. For now though, it has a cozy little home and lots of visits from me :)

So how are the original plants doing? Well Mama C and I repotted them this morning! I didn't count but I would guess that there are 30 individual sprouts so they were getting desperately crowded! I haven't ever repotted plants that were this mature(They're about 4 months old) so they had pretty extensive root systems which were difficult to deal with. It was actually a kind of violent process and I think it's a little bit traumatic for the plants but hopefully they'll be okay. I'm a little worried now that we're going into the winter months that some of the seedlings won't be strong enough to thrive after the re-potting but since I planted them in the height of summer I hope it will work out. I believe it takes about 3-4 years before they'll look anything like trees but at some point, I'll try to repot some to give them more room to try and become trees. For now though, they're kind of cute little shrub-by things. I am kind of in awe of what you can accomplish. This was really just meant to be small project because I saw it one day on Pinterest and now I have three pots of pretty sizable plants. And while 3-4years seems like quite a far ways out from now, I think it will be really fun to come back and look at these posts again. I think that planting these little buggers from seeds and seeing them grow into something is one of the most rewarding and easiest things you can do. 
Taken 3. November. 2013
Hopefully more to come!

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