Friday, April 18, 2014

One Hundred Days of Happy-An Introduction

I recently heard of a project called #100happydays. It is a challenge in which people are asked to see if they can be happy for one hundred days in a row. The premise of the challenge was to have users submit photos every single day to document their happiness. I think the objective was to make people more aware of the fact that there are things in their days that make them happy.

When I first heard of the project, I was a little bit skeptical. I thought there was no way that I would actually have the resolve to keep up with the challenge for 100 days in a row, especially since I am entering my testing and application period.

So naturally, I have to do it.

I admit, I still have some reservations. I'm worried that I might annoy people by flooding their Instagram(my social network of choice) with really mundane pictures. I am kind of anticipating that there will be lots of pictures of various cups of tea and books. I am worried that I will try the challenge and expect massive life-altering results and not get them and be terribly disappointed.

But, it's just so intriguing that I have to try anyways.

I find the project compelling for a couple of reasons. For anyone who has been around me in the last year knows that this has not been a very easy or fun time for me. It's been a time of transition and a lot of things all happening at once. I have kind of lost count of the times the though "I do not have time to be a real person right now" has crossed my mind(which is hugely problematic). And yes, it has been exceptionally lonely at times. But all the more reason that I think that this project speaks to me. Even in the hugely stressful times, there is always something there to make me happy even if I have to work harder to find it and I really do believe that.

More than just the cathartic reasons for doing this, I actually am kind of curious as to what makes me happy. It sounds ridiculous but I wonder what I gravitate towards and I think it will be really interesting for me to come back and look through things once it is all said and done. So, I've resolved that in addition to the daily picture, I am going to try and write a post so that I can remember what made me happy and elaborate on why it made me happy. They'll be shorter than the posts that came before this one but I am excited to have a sort of daily ritual in place.

And hey, I'm back to writing again. So basically, I'm already winning the challenge for every day that I write.

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