Tiff's Wellesley Bucket List
Upon entering our fair college, all Wellesley students are given the following list of activities to achieve. This seems as good a time as any to re-evaluate the trajectory of my Wellesley experience. So without further ado....
50 Things to Do Before You Graduate
- Run naked across Severance Green.
- This has not happened yet and actually I highly doubt it will ever happen.
Get 12 hours of sleep in one night.
- This has happened...just not during the school year.
Go stepsinging.
- Accomplished: First year Convocation, word.
- See the campus from the top of Galen Stone Tower.
- Actually, I really want to do this still so yes let's keep this on the list.
Walk around Lake Waban with a friend.
- Done. Next?
- Have a party in your room for no reason and invite everyone you know.
- I'm actually kind of scared someone will call Po on me so this will probs not happen. Also, I live in a closet.
- Skinny-dip in Lake Waban.
- I have gotten in Waban for sailing purposes...does that count?
Read a book that isn't required and that doesn't have anything to do with your major.
- This happens a lot so I think we're all set.
Pull a non-academic all-nighter.
- Did this accomplishing number 8; next.
- Go traying on Severance Green.
- Write a letter to the editor.
- Haven't found something I cared about enough to put in the effort to really make it great.
- Attend one sporting event for each Wellesley athletic team .
- ...well I went to a swim meet once?
Admit you don't know everything.
- I thought that was obvious.
- Have a little too much to drink at a department party and start a singalong with your favorite professor.
- Haven't yet but the science lipsync for some people....
- Eat nachos at the Hoop.
- Also haven't yet...maybe I will. I don't really like nachos though.
- Get a Little Sister.
- I probably will next year. Being a little sister to several people though...we're kind of needy.
Eat in all the dining halls in one day.
- hahahahahaha this was achieved like a long time ago.
Send an e-mail to someone who is sitting in the same room.
- GChat is a thing but I'm sure this could be a thing too.
- Buy candy in El Table to eat during class.
- Actually haven't been in El Table...that should probably change.
- Let a prospective sleep on your floor.
- I will once I move out of the closet.
- Become the ultimate fan of at least one Wellesley sports team.
- ...swimming? Or sailing :P
- Stay for Wintersession.
- Let's not.
Be the subject of a psychology experiment.
- Accomplished during during my first year Fall.
- Nominate a professor for the Pinanski Prize.
- Again, haven't had someone absolutely change my life but when I do I will definitely do this
- Swing next to the Chapel.*
- This doesn't exist anymore. I wonder what we should replace it with?
- Attend Senate. Say something.
- I feel like I'd be too scared to.
- Go tunneling.
- Also hasn't happened yet but I want it to.
- Try dorm or class crew on the lake.
- mm haven't yet but I've kayaked and sailed?
- Visit the observatory.
- I've walked past it?
Become a regular at CVS.
- Again, accomplished a while ago. Next.
- Go to a Shakespeare Society production.
- I want to so badly!
- Go ice skating on Paramecium Pond.
- Not sure if it ever gets frozen enough.
- Declare your own personal Lake Day.
- I...actually have no idea if this will ever come true.
Go trick or treating at the president's house.
- Done last fall.
Nap in the library.
- Teehee.
- Start a dorm war.
- ???
- Stage a protest.
- I really don't have anything to protest at the moment.
Join an organization.
- Seriously? Why is this on the list?
- Go to a frat party.
- Rather not.
- Write a paper in 13-point New York.
- I feel like this reference went way over my head.
- Learn to fake a Boston accent.
- Um...
Attend an on-campus party.
- Done.
- Voluntarily attend a lecture.
- Does going for sushi count?
Take a day off and be a tourist in Boston.
- Done! (kind of)
- Primal scream.
- This is past my bedtime.
- Cheer at the Boston Marathon. See if you can get a runner to kiss you.
- Well we'll see how tomorrow goes though I don't relish getting kissed by strangers.
- Go to a commencement other than your own.
- Planning on going this year
- See at least one a capella concert.
- Hosted the Tupelos, next?
Listen to WZLY.
Ride in a Campus Po Car. (Lights and siren are a bonus.)
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