Friday, March 16, 2012

Nostalgia for Middle School?

Still remember when this happened
A few weeks ago, I was converting old files into my iTunes and I started listening to all the songs that I downloaded during middle school. Don't get me wrong, Middle school sucked big time. Everyone was awkward, and everyone thought they were hot which was just blatantly untrue. As far as music goes, everyone pretty much had the same things that they heard on Kiss108. So there were very few songs that I'd probably listen to on a regular basis today.

Looking through all the music made me feel old, a sentiment I have been feeling more and more. It doesn't seem like six whole years since High School Musical came out(which you either thought was the coolest thing every or hated it with a burning passion). It doesn't seem like six years since, in my opinion, the best seasons of So You Think You Can Dance and American Idol aired. It was a much simpler time even though I do remember desperately wanting to get out of Hopkinton(sorry, Hopkinton).

Middle school was a time of awkwardness but the fact that I feel so far removed from it now makes me a little bit sad. Partly because now I have to go about the business of being an adult and doing things like actually trying to do well in school. Mostly because I feel like I really haven't done much with myself in the last six years.

Hopefully that changes in the next six years to come.

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