Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Update-2 Years of Writing and other things

Spring is on its way to Wellesley!
I can hardly believe that it's Spring break already and this is my first post of the "new" semester!

I am not entirely sure why but I feel like the Spring semester always catches me a bit off guard every year. Even though it's snowing and disgusting for what seems like forever in the beginning of the semester, come March it starts to get beautiful and then it feels like we have about one week to savor the weather before it's time to take exams and leave for the summer.

Not to mention actually doing work! This semester has been a really busy one for me so just making sure that I sleep and have clothes on when I leave my room has been a bit of a struggle. It's been hard enough to notice what's going on around me without sitting down and writing about it.

But we have (thankfully) reached Spring break which means that I finally have a bit of time to catch up on writing a bit! There is a lot that I have meant to write about like various TV shows (How I Met Your Mother, Sherlock, Glee), the books I've been reading, and of course some current events.

And of course, earlier this month my blog turned 2 years old! Yay! I think that also merits a post as well.

As you can see there are lots of things currently waiting in my queue but I'm looking forward to working through them in the next week!


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